The Wabi-Sabi theme continues with the Weathered Wine Red Pants - ideal not only for the great outdoors but also as something comfy to relax in. As with all of our weathered Wabi-Sabi series, no two items will ever be the same due to the hand crafted nature - each one is manually sanded down before bio washing. Expect worn edges, holes, loose threads - the whole shebang.
While these pants have been washed with a color fixing agent, we strongly recommend getting the before using this product - or make your own . . Made in Tokyo.|スマートドールの侘び寂びアパレルシリーズ続く。お出かけにも、リラックスしたい日にも似合うユーズドパンツ。色止め加工はされていますが、念のためをお使いください。ご自分で作れるレギンズパターンは。。